We Fix Laptop Screens

Computer Virus

We Fix Computer Viruses

Data Recovery

We Recover Data

Computer Repairs

All repairs are completed quickly and efficiently. From small problems to major crashes, DF Computers will get you back up and running. And the best part is knowing that you are getting the best advice when your computer is not functioning as well as you think it should.

All parts and service are guaranteed so you can relax and feel confident that your computer is in good hands.


Finding your computer a little slow? Need more memory or storage? Want to play the latest DVD movies?

Maybe you don’t need a new computer, only an upgrade. D.F Computer Services will advise you on the best way to keep your computer up to date.

We offer top quality components and fast turnaround, so you won’t be without your computer for days at a time.

Mac Computer

Some Mac Problems

Computer picture f open computer

We fix Desktop Computers

We Fix Laptops